Getting accounts linked

Here is a guide to get all your accounts linked to Mystic Isles!

First Thing to do is go to once you are here click on the “Login” button in the top right of the screen

Once you click Login, you will have the option to choose several different accounts as a form of login, you will want to use Steam or Epic to make sure everything gets linked correctly. If you are an XBOX or PS5 user, you can make a free Epic account and link your XBOX/PS5 account to it for this to work, so go do that before you proceed. 

Once you choose an account to login with, you can return to settings on the dashboard and be presented with new options for linking several accounts to Mystic Isles. 

This is where you link your discord (and any other accounts you want) in order to get the bonus points/coins/gems. You will also get access to all the discord integration features, this will help you keep track of decay, get decay notifications, and help us when you need to get in-game support. 

If you notice there is a “enter connect code” section at the bottom, you will need to do this final step to finish linking your accounts with the new cross platform user ID system of ARK Ascended. To do this you must be in game and use the following command in LOCAL chat.


Once you use this it will give you a code to place in the box on the dashboard, this will finish linking your accounts and you will get your reward once you login or come online at least two times (This could take about 5-10 minutes to finish processing, so please wait before you try to log out and back in)

I hope this guide helps you get connected smoothly, and thank you for being a part of Mystic Isles!

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