Connecting you ASA account with the dashboard

Here is a guide to get you accounts linked on the dashboard! First thing to do is link your discord account with steam or epic. To do this you can use the !link in the #bot-command channel of discord. Once you have these linked follow these steps to finish linking your accounts. Once linked you will be able to purchase packages and subscriptions from the website. 

Go to the website https:.//

Click on your name in the top right (This may say login if you have not done so yet, if you have not linked your discord, please go to the top and do that now)

Once here, go down to “Settings” and click on it. 

Click on “Login” Choose Steam if you purchased the game through steam or Epic if you are through epic (I think this is where XBOX can login as well)

Scroll down until you see this box. Now you will have to be in game for the next part. 

Login to your game, in the chat window type the following !getconnectcode

Once you do this (may be twice because of the warning) take that code and enter it into this box and click “Connect” 

Thats it, you're done and now connected and can purchase packages through the webpage, this will also start letting the discord bot keep track of your name and make sure it stays up to date in discord.

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